Empowering Parents to Celebrate Parenting Awareness Month

Woman and Daughter Cuddling and Talking

Mar 1, 2023

March is designated as the month to raise awareness about parenting.

How conscious are you of your role as a parent? Parent awareness directly impacts the development and well-being of children. When parents are aware of their roles and responsibilities, they can make informed decisions about their parenting style, create a safe and nurturing environment for their children, and effectively guide their children’s behavior.

Aware parents are also more attuned to their children’s needs and emotions, which can help them provide appropriate support and guidance. Additionally, parent awareness can promote positive parent-child relationships, build trust and communication, and contribute to children’s overall happiness and success. Therefore, being aware as a parent is essential for creating a positive and healthy family dynamic.

Parents and caregivers can play an important role in teaching children emotional regulation skills, such as identifying emotions, self-soothing techniques, and problem-solving strategies.


Here are some tips that can assist you in becoming a more conscious parent:

Think Through Problems

Encourage your child to break down problems into smaller, more manageable tasks. This can help them feel less overwhelmed and more confident in their ability to tackle the problem.

Normalize Mistakes

When they fail, help them see it as an opportunity to learn and grow from their mistakes rather than focusing on the mistake itself. This can build a mindset in your child that encourages them to think of creative alternatives.

Set Small Goals

Rather than focusing on one big goal, create several small mile markers for them to reach. When your child faces challenges, praise their efforts and persistence rather than just the end result. This helps them understand that hard work and perseverance are important qualities to develop.

Talk About Feelings & Practice Active Listening:

Help your child identify and label their emotions. Encourage them to use descriptive words to express their feelings. In addition, teach them the importance of active listening and paying attention to others. Encourage them to ask questions and offer their support when others are expressing their needs.

Create A Calm-down Routine

Develop a calm-down routine with your child, such as taking a break to listen to calming music, going for a walk, or reading a book. This can help your child learn to self-soothe and regulate their emotions when they are feeling overwhelmed.

Model The Behavior

Children learn best by example. So be a role model by showing them how to approach problems in a systematic and logical way and how to express your feelings in a calm and appropriate way. This can help your child learn how to manage their own emotions effectively. Additionally, make sure to motivate them to come up with ideas and to actively address their emotions and challenges.

Give Age Appropriate Responsibilities

Teach your child to be a helper by starting with small tasks, such as picking up toys, sharing snacks, or holding the door open for others. This can build their confidence as they complete a task assigned to them, builds accountability, responsibility, while it encourages them to be helpful!

Point Out The Positive Impact

Providing feedback is a great way to reinforce behavior while also showing children that a certain behavior was good. Draw attention to how your child helped or made someone feel good. For example, rather than just thanking them for their help, tell them the impact they had by helping.

But Wait… There’s More – A Problem Solving Activity For Your Child

The ability to solve problems is a critical skill for children of all ages to acquire. With this in mind, we have created a worksheet that provides step-by-step guidance on essential problem-solving techniques, with the goal of improving your child’s problem-solving abilities. You can download this worksheet to assist your #younginventor in developing their problem-solving skills.

If you’re looking for some additional fun STEAM activities that you could do with your child check out the activities on theyounginventorsclub.com – not only is there a dashboard filled with great activities but every month new blog posts are released with even further content!